26.8 C
Santo Domingo
domingo, septiembre 8, 2024

To Romeo with Love

So blue under my umbrella
No one can see and if
They did could they
I wonder if they weep
Like me
The Satanist he took
You away on a night
Not so long ago
He has no emotions
Or care for the pain
It’s all a sad refrain
I whisper your name
Sing love songs
In my head of sweet
Memories that once
Fed life to my soul
Now extinguished
The joy I knew
Perhaps one day
I’ll smile when I
Look to the sky
And the clouds
Will clear
I believe in God
And in Heaven
That assures me
That one day I
Will see you again
But for now I
Am blue under
My umbrella in
The rain

Dedicated to the love
Of my Life my Guardian
Angel Romeo Della Valle ❤️🌺

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