26.8 C
Santo Domingo
sábado, septiembre 7, 2024


When my silence speaks
It tells a story of woe
All I had hoped for was
Never really mine
What I thought of
As love never existed
Mechanical love
Manufactured love
Created by desires
Hopes and dreams
The want so strong
Led me to believe
But I was wrong!
I became confined
To a cold solitude
Promises unkept
Left me so bereft
Only a tale of
Falsities which held
Words that stung
My ears deeper
Than voice still
Hurt inside as tears
Well up in my eyes
To reminisce what
I had missed!
Then there was you
That special one
Who spoke words
Of gentility so
Sweet and kind
Turned my world
My mind as all
The past hurt
I became elated
And from my silence
With hope in my
Heart I emerged!
Fighting days are
Through since the
Day that I met you
My empty shell
No longer sad
All that never was
Has come to pass!
Romeo Della Valle
© Copyright-2021
Delray Beach, Florida
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